2022 Postponement of Australasian Scholarship

Due to the extensive wide-ranging lockdowns and travel restrictions both in-country and between Australia, New Zealand, and other countries the OWUSS Board made the decision to defer the Australasian Scholarship in October 2021 until June 2022. 

The 2021 Scholar, Millie Mannering will recommence her scholarship activities in June 2022 after the annual OWUSS meeting in New York. 

Unfortunately this means we are not accepting applications for the Australasian region. The pandemic has had terrific impact on everyone, and we understand the disappointment this may incur to those who had planned to apply this year. 

The Our World Underwater Scholarship Society would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all sponsors and hosts that have gone above and beyond to organise experiences for Millie and host her during this difficult time.  
