My most recent adventure took me to Asia for the first time in my life. I decided it was time to make the leap from recreational diving to the professional realm by completing my PADI Divemaster Training. If I was going to dive almost every day for a month, I wanted it to be in […]
Category: 2024 Scholar Journey
Gentle Giants in the Kingdom of Tonga
5 minute read My next adventure took me across the Pacific to a small island developing state; The Kingdom of Tonga. Scott Portelli is a world-class photographer, the most recent winner of the Australian Geographic General Nature photographer award in 2024, and luckily for me, a friend of the scholarship society. I did some research […]
Diving cold, staying warm: Conquering the drysuit
5 minutes One of the dreams I’ve had is working in diverse marine environments, which includes getting cold very often for long periods of time. A way to combat this, is drysuit diving! A drysuit is exactly what it sounds like, a specialised suit that keeps you warm and snug no matter how long underwater […]
Diving with aliens & photogrammetry in Whylla
Did you know cuttlefish can bend light to perfectly camouflage into their surrounds (even though they’re colour blind), change the texture of their skin and grow horns to tell you to go away? To me, that’s so mind blowing I’d call it alien-like. They are one of the coolest critters living under the sea! The […]
The White Shark Chronicles: Science and Tourism Aboard MV Rodney Fox
My first experience of the OWUSS year took me down to Port Lincoln in South Australia. One of my biggest weaknesses as a marine science student is having little field experience, especially on boats. So, my first move of the year? Get on a boat for a month to learn research, dive with white sharks […]